Project Veritas bombshell reveals that GOOGLE has done more to ‘meddle’ in U.S. elections than Russia ever did: Will there be charges?

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By J. D. Heyes, NewsTarget

(NationalSentinel) Once again we have the intrepid investigative journalists at Project Veritas to thank for exposing the biggest election scandal of 2020 thus far that has nothing at all to do with Russia.

According to details published by PV and accompanying video taken by its undercover journalists, Google has managed to hire a gaggle of brainwashed Left-wing sycophants who religiously believe they are ‘saving the country’ by altering AI algorithms to filter out any and all pro-Trump content from independent and conservative media on the world’s biggest search platform.

In fact, according to one of them, the AI algorithms are designed to filter (censor) content in such a way so that Google can single-handedly prevent the “next Trump situation” — that is, his reelection next year.

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again,” said longtime Google employee and head of “Responsible Innovation,” Jen Gennai.

How? “We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?” she added.

Don’t you love the language the Left uses? She is guilty of violating all sorts of anti-trust rules and has a role in actively censoring political speech in the United States of America while claiming the mantle of ‘Responsible’ Innovation. 

Gennai also criticized 2020 Dem presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s only sane idea to date — break up Google because it has become a virtual monopoly search and media engine, soaking up the lion’s share of advertising dollars and having become big enough to make or break online publishers.

Busting up Google is “very misguided,” she claims, because “all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

So, there you have it: Google’s singular reason for existence today is to prevent a second Trump term. From simple search engine to kingmaker.

A Google insider who brought the details to Project Veritas originally confirmed that what Gennai is saying is true: The company is setting up “Machine Learning Fairness” as one of several political tools it is using to promote their Left-wing political agenda — by combating “algorithmic unfairness.”

To Google, stifling speech supportive of the president is ‘fair,’ while allowing stories that are positive about the president to percolate across the Internet so that anyone who wants can read it is ‘unfair.’

Censorship? Fair. Free press for a free people? Unfair.

In a tweet, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe noted that “‘internal only’ documents at Google show a Goal to establish a ‘single point of truth’ for definition of news across Google products.”

"Internal only” documents at Google show Goal to establish a “single point of truth” for definition of news across Google products. @valstreit POC.

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) June 24, 2019

Google is “not an objective source of information,” the insider can be heard saying in a modified voice in a darkened room on the video. “They are a highly biased political machine that is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again,” the insider noted.

In the undercover portion of the video, Gennai notes further that development of technology designed to suppress pro-Trump views, speech, and reporting has been in the works since he beat Hillary Clinton.

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“2020 is certainly on top of my old organization, Trust and Safety, top of mind, they’ve been working on it since 2016, to make sure we’re ready for 2020,” she said.

“This is election meddling,” wrote Paul Joseph Watson, founder of and a long-time editor-at-large for Infowars.

Without a doubt, it is — where is the Trump administration? Where is the Securities and Exchange Commission? Where is the Federal Election Commission?

Project Veritas Releases Alleged Google Email Calling Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and Jordan Peterson Nazis



Project Veritas Releases Alleged Google Insider Email Calling Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, and Jordan Peterson 'Nazis'

Source: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

Matt covered the bombshell Project Veritas report yesterday which showed key Google employees discussing the various ways that they can manipulate search results in order to ensure the type of United States election results that they want to see. What Google wants, the videos suggest, is to prevent President Trump from winning in 2020. 

via Matt:

Well, Project Veritas decided to dig into this bastion of liberalism. After all, its reach to the public with their products is how millions get the news. It’s also a medium that Donald Trump harnessed expertly to outmaneuver the Left in the 2016 election. Liberals know it. Over at Google, one executive, Jen Gennai, is working hard to ensure that its AI feature and associated algorithms work hard to pretty much help alter electoral outcomes. 

Project Veritas, founded by James O'Keefe, caught Gennai on tape chastising presidential candidate and progressive icon Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) for wanting to break up Google. Gennai claims this is wrong to do because smaller companies would not be able to prevent the "next Trump situation." 

"Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google," Gennai said. “And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that." 

Gennai also claimed that "We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.”

“We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened again, would we have, would the outcome be different?" she said to the Project Veritas undercover investigator. 

In response to Veritas videos, Gennai said she was simply "having a casual chat with someone at a restaurant and used some imprecise language." 

She also asserts that, despite being the Head of Responsible Innovation at Google, she is an inconsequential employee within the company. Strangely enough, however,  Gennai deleted all of her social media accounts following the release of O'Keefe's video. 

On Tuesday, Project Veritas released a leaked e-mail showing an employee named Liam Hopkins. The email seems to confirm that Google's algorithms are being manipulated to suppress conservative thought. 

via Project Veritas:

Project Veritas has obtained a newly leaked document from Google that appears to show a Google employee and member of Google “transparency-and-ethics” group calling conservative and libertarian commentators, including Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro, “nazis.”  Project Veritas received this document after the release of its investigation into Google through the “Be Brave” campaign at

The email apparently was sent as part of the Google “transparency-and-ethics” group internal communications and suggests that content from PragerU, Jordan Peterson, and Ben Shapiro should be disabled from the “suggestion feature.”

It is unclear what Hopkins role is on the "transparency-and-ethics" team, but in December of 2018, a Google software engineer named Liam Hopkins signed a public letter to Google's CEOs signed "2019 must be the year to end forced arbitration." 

The email released Tuesday, which can be seen here, has been transcribed below: 

"Today it is often 1 or 2 steps to Nazis if we understand that PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are nazis using the dog whistles you mention in step 1. I can receive these recommendations regardless of the content of what I'm looking at, and I have recorded thousands of internet users sharing the same experience.”

“I don’t think correctly identifying far-right content is beyond our capabilities. But if it is, why not go with Meredith’s suggestion of disabling the suggestions feature? That could be significant in terms of user trust."

The leaked email seems to disprove Gennai's claim on Monday that “Google has repeatedly been clear that it works to be a trustworthy source of information, without regard to political viewpoint. In fact, Google has no notion of political ideology in its rankings.”